welcome to Mining Constribution Development Watch

Golongan A - Bahan galian strategis

Minyak bumi & gas alam, batu bara, cobalt & timah, uranium & bahan galian radio aktif lainya, nikel

hutan2.jpg (26228 bytes) Golongan B - Bahan galian Vital

besi, Bauksit, tembaga, emas, perak, palatina, seng (metal), intan, yodium, khlor, belerang

Golongan C - Galian lainnya

Non metal mineral, nitrat, posfat, garam, asbes, mika, batu permata, batu apung, marmer, batu kapur dan sirtu ( pasir batu )

In the future, MCDW will centre its activities in working with and for communities affected by mining. Within this framework, helping to strengthen the position of these communitie     English    Indonesia

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